
Prakrit language is the language of Prachin India. Prakrit and Sanskrit are two main streams of Indian literature Prakrit was the language of the people when Sanskrit was the language of literature and educated persons. Hence while Sanskrit was the speech of the elite Prakrits were the language of the masses as distinguished from the elite.

Kalikalsarvagya Hemchandracharya has analysed the Prakrit in all its varieties viz. Maharashtri, Sauraseni, Ardhamagadhi, Paisachi, Chulikapaisachi and Apabhramsa in the eighth Adhyaya, as a part of his voluminous work called ‘Siddhhhemsabdanusashanam’at AnahilpurPatan in North Gujarat. Prakrit may have had its early beginnings about the seventh century B.C. from the time of Lord Mahavira and Lord Buddha. The Prakrit literature is of abiding interest for tracing the origin and development of almost all the New-Indo-Aryan languages like Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Panjabi, Kashmiri, Sindhi, Uriya, Assamese, Nepali, Bangali etc..

• Objectives

Gujarat is the richest in the number and variety of its historical records. Patan is famous in world for rare manuscripts written in Prakrit and Sanskrit.

(1) To understand the tradition and life style of ancient India.
(2) To know the History of India from the Prakrit literature.
(3) To know the development of local languages as a part of linguistic studies.
(4) To develop e sense humanity and brotherhood among the students through the study of religion books.
(5) To create the best atmosphere of the world in this present Global Warming.

Department of Prakrit
Sr No.  Photo  Name
Qualification Orie.
& Refr.
& Seminar
Paper Pres. Paper Publ. Books Written Ph.D. Guide M.Phil. Guide  Total Ph.D. Students Total M.Phil. Students
1. IMG-20181130-WA0000 Dr. Kunal Kapasi
(Assistant Professor)(HOD)
M.A., NET., Ph.D.  00  35 07   28  10  00 No No
• Opportunities available through the study of Prakrit

(1) Student can get job in linguistic Research studies.
(2) Student can get chance in the Archeological and Historical studies.
(3) Student can work in the Government Projects of Manuscriptology.
(4) Manuscripts of India are there in different countries of the world, Student can go abroad with the study of Prakrit.
(5) Student can get chance in Sementical studies.

• Departmental Activities

– Lectures
– Visits of local Museum of Manuscripts for knowledge of manuscripts
– Educational tour.

Program code Program Name Course code Course Name Year of introduction
2  Prakrit (Elective) C.E. 101 Prakrit Katha Sahitya (Silavai kaha) June, 2011
2  Prakrit (Elective) C.E. 102 Prakrit Charit Sahitya (Naggai Carium) June, 2011
2  Prakrit (Elective) E.O. 105 Prakrit Sahitya Parichaya June, 2011
2  Prakrit (Elective) C.E. 201 Prakrit Kavya Sahitya (Usaniruddham) June, 2011
2  Prakrit (Elective) C.E. 202 Prakrit Muktak Sahitya (Vajjalaggam, Gaha Sattasai June, 2011
2  Prakrit (Elective) E.O. 205 Jain AgamSahitya and Sattak  Sahitya June, 2011
2  Prakrit (Elective) C.E. 303 Aagamik Katha Sahitya (Nayadhamma Kaha) June, 2012
2  Prakrit (Elective) C.E. 304 Prakrit Sattak Sahitya  (Kappuramanjari) June, 2012
2  Prakrit (Elective) C.E. 403 Ardhmagadhi Aagamik Sahitya (Uttaradhyayan Sutra) June, 2012
2  Prakrit (Elective) C.E. 404 Sanskrit Nataka ma Prakrit (Charudattam) June, 2012