Research Corner

Code of Ethics for Research

The institution upholds the values of honesty, integrity and truthfulness in all affairs of academic, non-academic discourses including Research. Authenticity and genuineness is ensured at all levels of documentation throughout the Research Process. The institution does not tolerate malpractice or plagiarism of any means in the Research process. The merit of fair means and originality is enshrined in the Research policy and the institution believes in the creation and dissemination of veritable fount of knowledge. The said guidelines stand as key factor and driving force to our staff. Keeping in view of research as tool to enhance and upgrade lives of all walks of society, we as team are striving hard to do the best in our practices.

  • The research must have objectives and aims
  • The research must be thought provoking, analytical  and apt to execution
  • The research areas should support either directly or indirectly student and faculty community.
  • The research must be genuine and practically worth of study
  • The researching staff and student must take prior permission from respective department and their heads.
  • The researcher should provide concrete evidences in support of aims and objectives of their respective topics
  • The researcher should do SWOT analysis.
  • The researcher should share their ideas and views in the faculty development program in order to make all the other staff members part of new research.
  • In our college we encourage the researcher by rewarding and felicitating according to the management guidelines.

Teachers recognized as research guide and Ph.Ds registered per eligible teacher during the year (2021-22)

Name  of full time teacher with Ph.D./D.M/M.Ch./D.N.B Superspeciality/D.Sc./D’Lit. Qualification (Ph.D./D.M/M.Ch./D.N.B Superspeciality/D.Sc./D’Lit. ) and Year of obtaining Whether recognised as research Guide for Ph.D./D.M/M.Ch./D.N.B Superspeciality/D.Sc./D’Lit. Year of Recognition as Research Guide Is the teacher still serving the institution/If not last year of the service of Faculty to the Institution Name of the scholar Year of registration of the scholar Title of the thesis for scholar
Dr. M.L. Revadiwala Ph.D. 2007-08 Yes 2015-16 Yes Desai Abhishek B. 2021-22 Partition Sensibility in the Select Works of Khushwantsing and Saadat Hasan Manto
Dr. P.N. Vyas Ph.D. 2013-14 Yes 2016-17 Yes Raval Puja D. 2021-22 Reflection of Industrializatiopn in the Select Works of Upton Sinclain: A Critical Study
Dr. A.K. Tadvi Ph.D. 1997-98 Yes 2009-10 Yes Vasantbhai G. Chaudhari 2021-22 Maithilisharan Gupt ke Kaavya me Naari Svar
Dr. B. N. Solanki Ph. D. 1993-94 Yes 1999-2000 Yes Prajapati Hardik R. 2021-22 Anu-Adhunik Gujarati Tunki Varta ma Prayuktio- Ek Abhyas
Prajapati Mehul S. 2021-22 Anu-Adhunik Gujarati Tunki Varta ma Parivesh- Ek Abhyas
Dr. B. M. Desai Ph.D. 2007-08 Yes 2016-17 Yes Ronak G. Vaghela 2021-22 Lokpriya Navalkathakaro: Ek Abhyas (Dilip Ranpura, Priyakant Parikh, Mahesh Yagnik, Dhaivat Dvivedi na Sandarbh ma)
Maheshbhai J. Parmar 2021-22 Mafat Oza ane Ashokpuri Goswami ni Navalkathao ma Bhashakarm:Tulanaatmak Abhyas
Dr. P.M. Chavada Ph. D. 2014-15 Yes 2021-22 Yes Radhika Vasoya 2021-22 Bharatiya Navalkatha ma Lagnjivanni Samasyao: Tulanaatmak Abhyas (Pasandagi Navalkathao Sandarbhe)
Jagdish Senma 2021-22 Panch Vaartakaaro: Ek Abhyas (Dinkar Joshi, Sumant Raval, Vinesh Antani, Gordhan Bhesaniya, Gunvant Vyas na Sandarbh ma)
Jainaben Shah 2021-22 Mohammad Mankadnu Kathasahitya: Ek Abhyas
Payal Patel 2021-22 Vaartakaar Girish Bhatt
Dr. K. D. Vaishnav Ph.D. 2005-06 Yes 2007-08 Yes Patel Pinalben V. 2021-22 YagneshvarShashtikrutasya Rashtraratnasya Kaavyashistriyam Adhyayanam
Dr. S.N. Bakotra Ph.D. 2014-15 Yes 2021-22 Yes Patel Anjanaben S. 2021-22 Rathwa Tribes of Central Gujarat “in Historical Perspective”
Patel Babubhai A. 2021-22 Political and Cultural History of Deodar and Kankrej States (1818 to 1947 A.D.)
Prajapati Nitin R. 2021-22 A Political and Cultural History of the Princely States of Reva Kantha Agency: A Historical Study (1811 to 1950 A.D.)
Suthar Prakashkumar G. 2021-22 wooden Arts of Gujarat in Historical Perspective (942 to 1947 A.D. )
Dr. L. S. Patel Ph.D. – 2001-02 Yes Yes 0 0 0
Dr. A. A. Pathak Ph.D. -2008-09 Yes 2013-14 Yes 0 0 0
Dr. Ms. R. H. Parekh Ph.D.-1998-99 Yes 2013-14 Yes 0 0 0
Dr. B. B. Chaudhary Ph.D.-2003-04 Yes 2015-16 Yes 0 0 0
Dr. G. P. Shrimali Ph.D.-2009-10 Yes 2015-16 Yes 0 0 0
Dr. N. H. Gamit Ph.D.-2011-12 Yes 2 Yes 0 0 0


List of Ph.D.s awarded per teacher 

Name of the PhD scholar Name of the Department Name of the guide/s Title of the thesis Year of registration of the scholar Year of award of PhD
Jalu Mahesh Rambhai History Dr. L. S. Patel The Political And Cultural History of Vadhavan Staate (Upto 1947) 2011 2014
Panchal Hareshkumar Kanubhai History Dr. L. S. Patel Representative Institute of People During the Reign of Gayakwads in North Gujarat (1730 A.D. to 1949 A.D.) 2012 2014
Padhiyar Mavabhai M. GUJARATI Dr. Bharat N. Solanki Madhurai ni Sahitya Shrushti: Ek Abhyas 2011 2014
Goswami Hiteshgiri Velgiri GUJARATI Dr. Bharat N. Solanki My dear Jayu ni Sahitya Shrushti: Ek Abhyas 2011 2014
Rameshkumar Lachharam HINDI Dr. Arjun K. Tadvi “नारी चेतना और मेहरुन्निसा परवेज”
(कथा साहित्य के संदर्भ मैं)
Megha Bhagvatprasad Natvarlal HINDI Dr. Arjun K. Tadvi समकालीन प्रतिनिधि उपन्यासो में दलित चेतना 001414
Patel Mahesh Muljibhai History Dr. L. S. Patel Theain Religious Places of Banaskantha District: A Historical Study 2011 2015
Swami Mukeshpuri Hirapuri GUJARATI Dr. Bharat N. Solanki Vadhiyar Panthaknu Sant Sahitya : Shodh ane Svadhyay 2011 2015
Rathod Kalpesh Khemchandbhai GUJARATI Dr. Bharat N. Solanki Anu Adhunik Vartaoma Dalit Chetana 2011 2015
Hareshkumar Shantilal Machhi History Dr. L. S. Patel The Contribution of Sardar Patel in Satyagrahas of Gujarat (1917-1947) 2012 2016
Ankitkumar Rajendrabhai Patel History Dr. L. S. Patel Sardar Patel: Founder of Indian Administrative Services 2011 2017
Chaudhari Krupaben Vijaybhai History Dr. L. S. Patel The Contribution of the Prominent Women of Gujarat in Quit India Movement – A Historical Study 2011 2017
Rathod Deshalrajba Lakshmansinhji History Dr. L. S. Patel North Gujarat’s Rathod Rajput : A Historical And Cultural Perspective : A Study (Upto 1950 A.D.) 2011 2017
Chaudhary Shaileshkumar Chhtrasinh HINDI Dr. Arjun K. Tadvi महादेवी वर्मा का गध साहित्य 001773
Chaudhary Parasben Ganeshbhai HINDI Dr. Arjun K. Tadvi मन्नू भंडारी और उषाप्रियंवदा की कहानियों में स्त्री-पुरुष सम्बन्ध 001774
Vasava Arvindbhai Damubhai HINDI Dr. Arjun K. Tadvi श्री निर्मल वर्मा के निबंधों का आलोचनात्मक अध्ययन 2665
Kamleshkumar Dineshchandra Raval HINDI Dr. Arjun K. Tadvi राजेन्द्र यादव के उपन्यासों में चित्रित समाज : एक अनुशिलन 2675
BENZIR KATARA N. English Dr. Ashutosh A. Pathak The Study of Elements of Patriotism in Selected Works of Rabindranath Tagore 2014 2017
Vasava Nileshkumar Gumansinh History Dr. L. S. Patel The Contribution of Surat District in Indian National Movement (1915 to 1947 A.D.) 2014 2018
Patel Vinitkumar Ramniklal History Dr. D. K. Soni Social and Economic Development of Kadava Patidar in Banaskantha District After Independence – A Historical Study 2015 2018
Desai Bhartiben Dhirajlal History Dr. D. K. Soni Political and Cultural History of Idar State – A Study (From 1901 to 1948 A.D.) 2015 2018
Goswami Rupeshbharti Rambharti GUJARATI Dr. Bharat N. Solanki Motifs Characterised in Poetic Tales of Shamal- A Study 2014 2018
Patel Jitendrakumar Mangalaji GUJARATI Dr. Bharat N. Solanki Uttar Gujaratna Purvottar Pradeshna Adivasionu Kanthasth Sahitya – Ek Abhyas 2014 2018
Patel Kinjalben Vinodkumar Sanskrit Dr. S. B. Joshi E-RESOURCES OF SANSKRIT 2015 2018
Mr. Parthivkumar K. Patel English Dr. Ashutosh A. Pathak The Discourse of Ethical Wisdom in Amish Tripathi’s The Shiva Trilogy 2014 2018
Name  of full time teacher with Ph.D./D.M/M.Ch./D.N.B Superspeciality/D.Sc./D’Lit. Qualification (Ph.D./D.M/M.Ch./D.N.B Superspeciality/D.Sc./D’Lit. ) and Year of obtaining Whether recognised as research Guide for Ph.D./D.M/M.Ch./D.N.B Superspeciality/D.Sc./D’Lit. Year of Recognition as Research Guide
Dr. M.L. Revadiwala Ph.D. 2007-08 Yes 2015-16
Dr. P.N. Vyas Ph.D. 2013-14 Yes 2016-17
Dr. A.K. Tadvi Ph.D. 1997-98 Yes 2009-10
Dr. B. N. Solanki Ph. D. 1993-94 Yes 1999-2000
Dr. B. M. Desai Ph.D. 2007-08 Yes 2016-17
Dr. P.M. Chavada Ph. D. 2014-15 Yes 2021-22
Dr. K. D. Vaishnav Ph.D. 2005-06 Yes 2007-08
Dr. S.N. Bakotra Ph.D. 2014-15 Yes 2021-22
Dr. L. S. Patel Ph.D. – 2001-02 Yes
Dr. A. A. Pathak Ph.D. -2008-09 Yes 2013-14
Dr. Ms. R. H. Parekh Ph.D.-1998-99 Yes 2013-14
Dr. B. B. Chaudhary Ph.D.-2003-04 Yes 2015-16
Dr. G. P. Shrimali Ph.D.-2009-10 Yes 2015-16
Dr. N. H. Gamit Ph.D.-2011-12 Yes
Number of papers published per teacher in the Peer Reviewed Journals during the year (2021-22)
Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal Year of publication ISSN number Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal
Personality among Professors and Teachers Dr. Urvi Goswami Psychology Shabdlok June-2021 2231-1610 Peer Reviewed
Workplace Environment and Stress Dr. Urvi Goswami Psychology Nishtha Aug.- 2021 2278-0289 Peer Reviewed
Gramin Arthvyavshthame Mahilaoki SanjedariEvam mahila Shashktikaran Prof. Umedbhai H. Patel Economics Shabdlok June 2021 2231-1610 Peer Reviewed
Videshoma Gujaratna Namankit Patidaroni safaltano Abhyas Prof. Umedbhai H. Patel Economics Ideal Research and International Multidisciplinary e-journal August-2021 857*Vol.7 Peer Reviewed
Bharat ma made in Chaina nu lebel kyare Ukhadse Prof. Umedbhai H. Patel Economics Nishtha August-2021 2278-0289 Peer Reviewed
Desh na ArthikVikas ma Sahayak Paribalono Abhyas Prof. Umedbhai H. Patel Economics Sorath E Journal October-2021 2457-0109 Peer Reviewed
Corona Mahamarini Bhartiya Arthtantra per ni Asaro Prof. Umedbhai H. Patel Economics Soham October-2021 2350-0697 Peer Reviewed
Online Shaikshnik karya ketlu faldayi Prof. Umedbhai H. Patel Economics Ideal Research and International Multidisciplinary e-journal Nov.2021 2454-857*Volume7 Peer Reviewed
Impact of Corona Virus (covid-19) on Higher education in India Prof. Umedbhai H. Patel Economics “Saarth” E-Journal of research Jan2022 2395-339*Special Issue 2122,Vol.8-2022 page no.70 to 73 Peer Reviewed
online Shikshan : Vidhyarthione Shu labh ane Shu Gerlabh Prof. Umedbhai H. Patel Economics “Sorath” E-Journal A national Peer reviwed E-journal Jan.-2022 2457-0109 Peer Reviewed
“Navi shikshan neeti: Fayado vidhyarthio ne, sarkar ne ke khanagi sanchalako ne” Prof. Umedbhai H. Patel Economics Ideal Research An International Multidisciplinary e-journal Peer reviwed journal Feb.-2022 2454-857X Peer Reviewed
“Pradhanmantri jan arogya yojana” (Ayushyamaan bharat yojana) Dr. Alpeshbhai K. Patel Economics “Soham” An international multidisciplinary peer reviewed research journal Oct.-Dec.- 2021 2350-0607 Peer Reviewed
bharat me mahilao ki samjik sthiti Dr. Alpeshbhai K. Patel Economics “Shabdlok” sahityik patrika peer reviwed journal June-2021 2231-1610 Peer Reviewed
is of living municipal kamgiri input 2020 Dr. Alpeshbhai K. Patel Economics “Nishtha” – College Aug.-2021 2278-0289 Peer Reviewed
“Mahila svavlamban yojan” Dr. Bharatbhai P. Chaudhari Economics “Nishtha” – College Peer Reviewed
Iffect of COVID-19 on economy of India Dr. Bharatbhai P. Chaudhari Economics “Shabdlok” sahityik patrika peer reviwed journal June-2021 2231-1610 Peer Reviewed
Narcisism in Shakspere’s Othello and Iago: & Study Dr. M.L. Revadiwala Eglish “Shabdlok” sahityik patrika peer reviwed journal June-2021 2231-1610 Peer Reviewed
From Print to Pic Time adaptation of R.K.Narayan’s short story an Astrologer’s Day Dr. M.L. Revadiwala Eglish Ideal Research Nov.-2021 2454-857X Peer Reviewed
A Glimpsis of the development of ancient Gujarati poetry Dr. J.P. Gohil Eglish Nishtha Aug.-2021 2278-0289 Peer Reviewed
The poetry of Walt Whitman Literal and Allegorical exploration Dr. J.P. Gohil Eglish Ideal Research Nov.-2021 2454-857X Peer Reviewed
translation- A new Dimension to know the world literature Dr. Z.B. Jani Eglish Researxh Guru June-2021 2349-266X Peer Reviewed
The voice of diaspora in Indian English literature- Kiran Desai Dr. Z.B. Jani Eglish Nishtha Aug.-2021 2278-0289 Peer Reviewed
Mahatma Gandhi’s concern for the marginalized Dr. R. S. Patel Eglish Nishtha Aug.-2021 2278-0289 Peer Reviewed
Feminine sensibilites in Anita Nair’s Ledies coupe Dr. P.N. Vyas Eglish Nishtha Aug.-2021 2278-0289 Peer Reviewed
Understanding stress and its impact at different levels Dr. P.N. Vyas Eglish “Shabdlok” sahityik patrika peer reviwed journal June-2021 2231-1610 Peer Reviewed
Hemchandracharya’s views on the purpuse of poetry prof. V.I. Patel Eglish “Shabdlok” sahityik patrika peer reviwed journal June-2021 2231-1610 Peer Reviewed
Art and morality prof. V.I. Patel Eglish Nishtha Aug.-2021 2278-0289 Peer Reviewed
Uchch shixa ki bhartiya parikalpana Dr. Arjun K. Tadvi Hindi Creative Space international Journal Dec.-2021 2347-1698 Impect Factor-4.00 Peer Reviewed
Navachar shiksha me adhyapakiya bhumika Dr. Arjun K. Tadvi Hindi Creative Space international Journal Dec.-2021 2347-1698 Impect Factor-4.00 Peer Reviewed
Hindi bhasha varn vichar vartani aur shuddhikaran Dr. Arjun K. Tadvi Hindi Nishtha Aug.-2021 2278-0289 Peer Reviewed
Nayi shixa niti me pathyakram abhigam ki mahatta Dr. Arjun K. Tadvi Hindi Jankruti April-2022 2454-2725 Peer Reviewed
Premchand ke praqtinidhi upanyaso me Gandhi ki vaichariki Prof. B.M. Patel Hindi Nishtha Aug.-2021 2278-0289 Peer Reviewed
Bajavad ki giraft me Hindi film jagat Dr. Anita H. Bhatt Hindi “Shabdlok” sahityik patrika peer reviwed journal June-2021 2231-1610 Peer Reviewed
Srimad Bhagvat Gitame Karmyog ka prabhav Dr. Anita H. Bhatt Hindi Nishtha Aug.-2021 2278-0289 Peer Reviewed
Anuvad Kala ya Vignaan Dr. R.H. Parekh Sanskrit Research Guru June-2021 2349-266X Peer Reviewed
Cultural links between India, Central Asia and Arab Dr. R.H. Parekh Sanskrit ANSH-Journal of History June-2021 2582-046X Peer Reviewed
Vedo me mzmushy avm paryavarania chetana Dr. R.H. Parekh Sanskrit Shabdlok May/June-2021 2231-1610 Peer Reviewed
Akhyayi ka aek adhyayan Dr. R.H. Parekh Sanskrit Nishtha Aug.-2021 2278-0289 Peer Reviewed
Ved varnit kautumbik chintan ki vartmaan me upadeyata Dr. R.H. Parekh Sanskrit Soham-International Peer Reviwed Jounal Oct-Dec.-2021 2350-0697 Impect factor-5.005
Sanskrit sahityakaar mahillaye Dr. R.H. Parekh Sanskrit International Jouranl of social science and management studies Jan.-2022 2454-4655 Impect factor- 5.2
Handmaiclaens of History? Exploring English, Hindi and Sanskrit text books for school Dr. R.H. Parekh Sanskrit Research metrix index National journal Dec.-2021 23-21-7073 Peer Reviewed
Bharatiya sanskruti me manavadhikar ki aham bhumika Dr. K.D. Vaishnav Sanskrit Shabdlok June-2021 2231-1610 Peer reviewed and reffered journal
Manavjivan me upanishado ka yogdaan Dr. K.D. Vaishnav Sanskrit Nishtha Aug.-2021 2278-0289 Peer reviewed and reffered journal
21 vi sadi me vedo ka gyaan vigyaan aur karm ki prasangikta Dr. B.B. Chaudhari Sanskrit Shabdlok June-2021 2231-1610 Peer reviewed and reffered journal
Chekhov ni varta vibhavana ane varta kala Dr. Bharatbhai Solanki Gujarati Shanti e-jouranal of research June-2021 2278-4381 Peer Reviewed
Khushbu vibhajanakav ni Dr. Bharatbhai Solanki Gujarati Nishtha Aug.-2021 2278-0289 Peer Reviewed
Padhyavarta nu sahitya:svarup sanrachana Dr. Babubhai Desai Gujarati Nishtha Aug.-2021 2278-0289 Peer Reviewed
Nayi shixa nititki vartmaan chunotiya Dr. Babubhai Desai Gujarati Shabdlok June-2021 2231-1610 Peer Reviewed
Kavi na jivanno dastavej raju kartu kavya- kavi no ghar sansar Dr. Piyushbhai Chavada Gujarati Research Guru June-2021 2349-266X Peer Reviewed
Sarjak Chinu Modi ni ek gazal no aswaad Dr. Piyushbhai Chavada Gujarati Nishtha Aug.-2021 2278-0289 Peer Reviewed
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